Microfiber Towel WholesaleMicrofiber Towel WholesaleMicrofiber Towel Wholesale

Microfiber Towel Wholesale

Min:  20000 Units:  20000
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Microfiber is a lint free, non-abrasive, and hypoallergenic product.

Each microfiber is finer than a human hair and is sliced 16 times, resulting in millions of microscopic hooks on each cloth to capture dirt and dust.


Microfiber towels are made of the finest material you can use to detail your vehicle. Microfiber is entirely manmade of polyester and polyamide, which give microfiber towels incredible strength and durability. Not only that, microfiber can be woven to suit different jobs, like polishing, drying, and buffing. The right microfiber towel will make any detailing task easier. Microfiber towels last longer than cotton terry cloth or natural chamois, too. For value, performance, and durability, nothing beats microfiber.

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